How it works?
Author: Eileen Wilde Reference Number: AA-00111 Views: 9700 Last Updated: 06/23/2009 03:26 PM |
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Form Data Input
- When a web site visitor clicks on the “Submit” button
in your web form, Form Processor Pro starts loading the Configuration File. It
is a simple INI-file where you can specify all your forms and their settings.
This file also sets basic variables to make Form Processor Pro work correctly.
- Submitted data is checked for compliance with form
field validations and modifiers and generates detailed highlighted error
messages if the check fails or non-compliant data is submitted. Modifiers are
applied to perform certain transformations on user input prior to inserting
results into the template or generating output.
- Afterwards, submitted data is parsed according to
field validations and rules (required fields, email field, etc.), processed
calculations, and function calls. All data gets parsed and processed by Form
Processor Pro and is now ready for output.
Form Data Output
- According to variables and their values set in the
Configuration file, Form Processor Pro sends output to a web browser, sends
data by email and/or saves data to log files, different types of databases,
CSV, XLS, PDF file formats or processes data to the payment gateways. Also Form
Processor Pro gives you an opportunity to archive files before sending or
redirecting all form data to another third party software page via a GET
request. Combinations of those are possible. You can define the output root in
the Configuration file.