"IF" condition
Author: Eileen Wilde Reference Number: AA-00170 Views: 12396 Last Updated: 09/25/2009 02:01 PM |
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The "IF" condition allows selection of the data output depending on some condition or user-entered parameters.
This expression evaluates and prints result of expr2 if expr1 evaluates to TRUE, and expr3 if expr1 evaluates to FALSE.
You can use "==", "<" and ">" symbols in the "expr1" expression.
Left "{#" and right "#}" delimiters for field names aren't being used inside the "ifcond" operator.
Spaces must be placed like in the example.
Let's say we have Number1 = 20 and Number2 = 5. Then Number1 is greater than Number2, expression Number1 > Number2 is TRUE and we print Number1 + 10, equaling 30.