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How can I set needed permissions on my server?

Author: Eileen Wilde Reference Number: AA-00193 Views: 13536 Last Updated: 06/17/2009 02:43 PM 55 Rating/ 5 Voters

Changing permissions depends on the type of access you have to the file on your server.

There are tons of FTP clients out there and some are even built into your HTML editors to allow you to upload your files to your web site. Most of these only transfer files to and from the site that you are connected to. In most cases, this is sufficient for updating the content of a website, but not for changing permissions.

Your web host provider can provide you with directions on changing permissions on files and directories.

Most FTP-clients (cuteFTP, smartFTP) will allow you to change permissions by right clicking mouse button and then choosing "properties" or "permissions". If you use FAR manager you'll need to press 'ctrl+a' while the cursor is over the file or folder to change permissions. If you use shell - you'll need run the command 'chmod'.


chmod tmp/ 777

chmod config.php 777

(these files and folders should be located in your current folder)

You use the control panel file manager - choose the file or folder, and on the left or right hand panel permissions will appear.


Some Windows-based (e.g.: IIS) servers don't support changing permissions (sometimes  they don't have a 'chmod'-command at all) but their folders and files mostly have permission 777 by default (Or you’ll need to contact your ISP to change permissions on such servers).