fpp-v5.zip - Archive of our Form Processor Pro Download Package
fpp/ - Main Form Processor Pro folder with all required files for proper work. You must upload this folder to your public folder (www) on your web server.
sample-forms/ - Folder with examples of typical forms. Feel free to use and change them for your needs.
fpp/ - Form Processor Pro configured to serve sample forms. You should upload this folder to your web server with other sample-forms folder content to see how sample forms work.
attachments/ - It is temporary folder for user uploads and files that you would like to attach in emails.
classes/ - Classes are core files of Form Processor Pro.
install/ - Initial configuration script.
lang/ - Contains language files (translations) of all available languages for error messages. You can change language in a moment by changing only 1 string in configuration file. Please refer to “Language Settings”.
plugins/ - Plug-ins directory. Each plug-in refers to certain functionality of Form Processor Pro.
tmp/ - Form Processor Pro use this folder to store temporary files that may be needed during form processing, like PDF, XLS generated files, for counting unique submissions etc.
.htaccess - .htaccess file prevent unauthorized access to the folder contents from the web.
config.php - One and only configuration file of Form Processor Pro and forms. It has simple structure where you should specify all your forms and their settings, as well as global settings.
index.php - Main Form Processor Pro executable file. All forms' actions should refer to this file. Like: <form name="my_form" action="URL_To_This_File">
manual/ - This folder holds the HTML manual. In order to read it you should open index.html file from this folder.