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Package Contents

Author: Eileen Wilde Reference Number: AA-00200 Views: 14696 Last Updated: 12/11/2009 06:09 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

Package Contents

  • - Archive of our Form Processor Pro Download Package
    • fpp/ - Main Form Processor Pro folder with all required files for proper work. You must upload this folder to your public folder (www) on your web server.
      • sample-forms/ - Folder with examples of typical forms. Feel free to use and change them for your needs.
        • fpp/ - Form Processor Pro configured to serve sample forms. You should upload this folder to your web server with other sample-forms folder content to see how sample forms work.
      • attachments/ - It is temporary folder for user uploads and files that you would like to attach in emails.
      • classes/ - Classes are core files of Form Processor Pro.
      • install/ - Initial configuration script.
      • lang/ - Contains language files (translations) of all available languages for error messages. You can change language in a moment by changing only 1 string in configuration file. Please refer to “Language Settings”.
      • plugins/ - Plug-ins directory. Each plug-in refers to certain functionality of Form Processor Pro.
      • tmp/  - Form Processor Pro use this folder to store temporary files that may be needed during form processing, like PDF, XLS generated files, for counting unique submissions etc.
      • .htaccess - .htaccess file prevent unauthorized access to the folder contents from the web.
      • captcha.img.php - Provides CAPTCHA anti-spam protection.
      • config.php - One and only configuration file of Form Processor Pro and forms. It has simple structure where you should specify all your forms and their settings, as well as global settings.
      • index.php - Main Form Processor Pro executable file. All forms' actions should refer to this file. Like: <form name="my_form" action="URL_To_This_File">
    • manual/ - This folder holds the HTML manual. In order to read it you should open index.html file from this folder.