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Line Chart

Author: Antony Corsten Reference Number: AA-00323 Views: 4549 Last Updated: 07/24/2009 09:13 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

Line Chart

Sample XML for Line Chart:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>


<general_settings bg_color="CCCCCC" showAnchor="1" showArea="0" type_animation="1">

<header text="Test header" font="Verdana" color="000000" size="18" />

<subheader text="Test Subheader" font="Verdana" color="000000" size="15" />

<legend font="Verdana" color="000000" font_size="11" />

<legend_popup font="Verdana" bgcolor="FFFFE3" font_size="10" />

<Xheaders show_calibration="1" rotate="90" color="000000" size="10" title="Test Xheaders" title_color="000000" />

<Yheaders color="000000" size="10" title="Test Yheaders" title_rotate="90" title_color="000000" />

<grid animation="0" showX="1" showY="1" grid_width="550" grid_height="250" grid_color="000000" grid_alpha="40" grid_thickness="1" bg_color="ffffff" bg_alpha="100" alternate_bg_color="00FFFF" border_color="000000" border_thickness="2" />


<x value="00:00" />

<x value="01:00" />

<x value="02:00" />

<x value="03:00" />

<x value="04:00" />

<x value="05:00" />

<x value="06:00" />

<x value="07:00" />

<x value="08:00" />

<x value="09:00" />

<x value="10:00" />

<x value="11:00" />

<x value="12:00" />

<x value="13:00" />

<x value="14:00" />

<x value="15:00" />

<x value="16:00" />

<x value="17:00" />

<x value="18:00" />

<x value="19:00" />

<x value="20:00" />

<x value="21:00" />

<x value="22:00" />

<x value="23:00" />


<ordinate_data seriesName="Sat" color="0080C0" alpha="50" size="3.5">

<y value="66" color_area="AFD8F8" alpha_area="80" />

<y value="51" color_area="F6BD0F" alpha_area="80" />

<y value="50" color_area="8BBA00" alpha_area="80" />

<y value="75" color_area="FFFF00" alpha_area="80" />

<y value="30" color_area="A66EDD" alpha_area="80" />


<ordinate_data seriesName="Fri" color="FF0000" size="3.5">

<y value="23" />

<y value="40" />

<y value="62" />

<y value="118" />

<y value="130" />

<y value="139" />

<y value="158" />

<y value="233" />

<y value="297" />

<y value="379" />

<y value="503" />

<y value="687" />

<y value="746" />

<y value="857" />

<y value="973" />

<y value="1125" />

<y value="1320" />

<y value="1518" />

<y value="1797" />

<y value="1893" />

<y value="2010" />

<y value="2057" />

<y value="2166" />

<y value="2197" />


<ordinate_data seriesName="Bat" color="FF8040" size="3.5">

<y value="115" />

<y value="141" />

<y value="175" />

<y value="189" />

<y value="208" />

<y value="229" />

<y value="252" />

<y value="440" />

<y value="608" />

<y value="889" />

<y value="1334" />

<y value="456" />

<y value="1000" />

<y value="2600" />

<y value="3070" />

<y value="3451" />

<y value="3918" />

<y value="4140" />

<y value="4296" />

<y value="4519" />

<y value="4716" />

<y value="2881" />

<y value="1092" />

<y value="522" />


<ordinate_data seriesName="Microsoft" color="FF0080" size="3.5">

<y value="98" />

<y value="1112" />

<y value="1192" />

<y value="1219" />

<y value="1264" />

<y value="1282" />

<y value="1365" />

<y value="1433" />

<y value="1559" />

<y value="1823" />

<y value="1867" />

<y value="2198" />

<y value="1112" />

<y value="1192" />

<y value="1219" />

<y value="2264" />

<y value="2282" />

<y value="2365" />

<y value="2433" />

<y value="2559" />

<y value="2823" />

<y value="2867" />

<y value="2867" />

<y value="2867" />




Header tag of the XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


You should place a valid XML header at the beginning of every XML file. If you use symbols different from Latin-1 encoding, please set the right encoding for you. In order to get more universality you can use Unicode:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


Setting up the appearance of the chart:

<general_settings bg_color="CCCCCC" showAnchor="1" showArea="0" type_animation="2">

Attribute Description
bg_color 'CCCCCC' - general background color of the line chart
showAnchor "1" - Showing of the anchor points on the lines:
'1' - to show

'0' - not to show
showArea "0" - Showing of the continuous fields under chart lines. It affects only if type_animation="2":
'1' - to show

'0' - not to show
type_animation "2" - Animation type:
"2" type 2

"1" type 1
"0" without animation

Setting up the top row of the Line Chart header (the uppermost text):

<header text='Test header' font='Verdana' color='000000' size='18'/>

Attribute Description
text 'Test header' - Header content
font 'Verdana' - Header font
color '000000' - Header color
size '18' - Header font size

Setting up the bottom row of the Line Chart header (the text second from above):

<subheader text='Test Subheader' font='Verdana' color='000000' size='15'/>

Attribute Description
text 'Test subheader' - Header content
font 'Verdana' - Header font
color '000000' - Header color
size '15' - Header font size

Setting up the legend:

<legend font='Verdana' color='000000' font_size='11'/>

Attribute Description
font 'Verdana' - caption font
font_color '000000' - caption color
font_size '11' - caption font size

Setting up the view of the popup hint on mouse over the sectors of line chart:

<legend_popup font='Verdana' bgcolor='FFFFE3' font_size='10'/>

Attribute Description
font 'Verdana' - caption font
bgcolor 'FFFFE3' - popup background color
size '10' - caption font size

Setting up the view of calibration text on axis X of the graph:

<Xheaders show_calibration="1" rotate='90' color='000000' size='10' title='Test Xheaders' title_color='000000'/>

Attribute Description
rotate '90' - Text rotation angle (there are two values possible, 0 and 90)
color '000000' - text color
size '10'- font size
title 'Test Xheaders' - caption content for X axis
title_color '000000' - caption text color

Setting up the view of graduation text on axis Y of the graph:

<Yheaders color='000000' size='10' title='Test Yheaders' title_rotate='90' title_color='000000'/>

Attribute Description
color '000000'- text color
size '10'- font size
title 'Test Yheaders' - caption content for Y axis
title_rotate '90' - Caption rotation angle (there are two values possible, 0 and 90)
title_color '000000' - caption text color

Setting up the view of the chart grid:

<grid animation="0" showX='1' showY='1' grid_width='550' grid_height='250' grid_color='000000' grid_alpha='40' grid_thickness='1' bg_color='ffffff' bg_alpha='100' alternate_bg_color='00FFFF' border_color='000000' border_thickness='2'/>

Attribute Description
animation "0" - Animation when drawing grid lines:

'1' - with animation

'0' - without animation
showX, showY showX='1' showY='1' showing of grid lines:
'1' - to show
'0' - not to show
persent_stepY_from_stepX "175" - Ratio of the step of placing vertical lines and the step of placing horizontal lines (in percents) . Number of horizontal lines depends on it.
grid_width, grid_height grid_width='550' grid_height='250' - grid width, grid height (in pixels)
grid_color '000000' - grid lines color
grid_alpha '40' - grid lines alpha-transparency (between 0 and 100)
grid_thickness '1' - grid lines thickness
bg_color 'ffffff' - grid field background color
bg_alpha '100' - grid field background alpha-transparency
alternate_bg_color '00FFFF' - grid rectangular alternate fields color
border_color '000000' - grid border color
border_thickness '2' - grid border thickness

Values postponed on Х axis:


<x value="00:00" />

<x value="01:00" />


<x value="23:00" />


Values postponed on y axis:

!! If <y value='' /> or <y value="" /> - no data, it will be displayed as the break of a continuous line

<ordinate_data seriesName='Sat' color='0080C0' alpha='50' size='3.5'>

Attribute Description
seriesName 'Sat' - data series name which is displayed at the legend and the legend popup
color '0080C0' - chart line color
alpha '50' - transparency of the continuous field under the grid (when showArea="1")
size '3.5' - chart line size

!! You have to set attributes color_area="AFD8F8" and alpha_area="80" in <y value='66' color_area="AFD8F8" alpha_area="80"/> when it is necessary to paint continuous field under the lines using different colors according to the data:

<y value='66' color_area="AFD8F8" alpha_area="80"/>

Attribute Description
color_area "AFD8F8" - continuous field color (when showArea="1")
alpha_area "80" - continuous field transperancy (when showArea="1")

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