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Linking to local or shared network file from an article

Author: Gregory Koldman Reference Number: AA-00333 Views: 12859 Last Updated: 07/03/2013 11:18 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

KnowledgeBase Manager Pro allows you to create links to files on a network server with the URL format:


The file can be opened either by click or downloaded by right clicking the link and select on the 'Save Target As...'.

This works fine under Internet Explorer, but Firefox blocks links to local files for security purposes. If you are happy with the risk of linking to local content, you can override the security policy and also enable linking in Firefox

The instructions for this can be found at't_work and you may also want to check out the other network preferences.

Please note that you need to use full URL syntax for your link (from

Use proper URI syntax
You also need to use proper URI syntax for local file references. It is not proper to enter an operating-system-specific path, such as \\servername\subdir\file.ext without converting it to a URI, which in this case would be file://///servername/subdir/file.ext. In general, a file path is converted to a URI by adding the scheme identifier file:, then three forward slashes (representing an empty authority or host segment), then the path with all backslashes converted to forward slashes.