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Youtube video embedding

Author: Edward Hardin Reference Number: AA-00556 Views: 8808 Last Updated: 04/03/2013 03:47 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

This guide explains how to insert a video from Youtube to your KB.

Open the page on Youtube with the video you would like to insert to an article.

There you can see the Share button.

Click it and a pane will be shown below.

Then click on the Embed button and embedding options will be shown.

On this pane you can change flashplayer options like size and color. When you're done, copy paste the html code.

Open an article in your KB, where you would like to embed the video.

Switch to html-source mode.

Paste the code there.

Now you can save your article and check the result to viewing it in the front-end for example.

Embedded video in edit mode

 Please note that video is not played while you're editing the article. A frame with an icon is shown instead. This is normal and prevents your browser to behave slowly when you edit large articles with multiple videos. To view the video you need to open the article in view mode.