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Enable error log

Author: Edward Hardin Reference Number: AA-00571 Views: 18044 Last Updated: 01/11/2011 04:14 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

If you an error occurs when you use KMP, you should report it to our support team. By default errors are not being logged, so the procedure is this:

  1. Enable errors logs as described in this article.
  2. Reproduce the error.
  3. Submit a ticket to support with the problem description and attach the error log (it is saved in /admin/tmp folder).

Starting from v5.4.0, you can enable all error logging and reporting from the single configuration file. If you're using v5.3.1 or earlier, check another guide.

First of all you need to open this file: /admin/

You will find a lot of different options at the beginning of this file:


    // --- Debug settings ---

    // General application debug

    define('KMP_DEBUG', 0);               // 1 to enable, 0 to disable

    // Database debug

    define('DB_DEBUG', FALSE);            // TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable

    // ---  Log settings (all logs are saved to the 'tmp' folder here) ---

    // Write application and database errors and warnings into a log file ('log-%YYYY-MM-DD%.wss.log')

    define('LOG_ERRORS', 0);              // 1 - turn on logging, 0 - turn off logging

    // Write KMP and LDAP server communication log ('ldap_log-%YYYY-MM-DD%.txt')

    define('LOG_LDAP_OPERATIONS', FALSE); // TRUE - turn on logging, FALSE - turn off logging

    // Write CRON task proccessing log ('cronlog.txt')

    define('LOG_CRON_OPERATIONS', FALSE); // TRUE - turn on logging, FALSE - turn off logging

    // Write articles autorelation processing log ('%YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS%_aid-2.txt')

    define('LOG_ARTICLES_AUTORELATION', FALSE); // TRUE - turn on logging, FALSE - turn off logging

The option that you would usually need is LOG_ERRORS, it is highlighted.

To enable logs, set it to "1":

define('LOG_ERRORS', 1);

Try to reproduce the error. After that a log file will be generated in the admin/tmp directory. Its name will include current date and ".log" extension.