To enabled URL rewriting for Apache on Linux, follow that guide. If you have completed the step of that guide and URL rewrite is still not working, try the checklist below to troubleshoot this issue.
Check .htaccess files availability
URL rewrite rules are specified within the .htaccess files in KMP folder.
Check if you have uploaded these .htaccess files to the server. They are present in the product package and when you upload KMP files to the web server, you also copy the .htaccess files. However sometimes they are not displayed thus you may skip them accidentally.
There must be four .htaccess files in KMP folders:
.htaccess (in the main KMP folder)
If any of these files is missing, you can copy it from the KMP package. The content of these files is the same.
Apache must be enabled to read configuration from .htaccess files
Make sure that Options All and AllowOverride All options are enabled for directory where KMP is located. These options allow Apache to read configuration, such as URL rewrite rules, from .htaccess files. There are usually multiple <Directory> entries in the Apache configuration file. Make sure that you track current Options and AllowOverride setup to the KMP folder and that both options are set to "All". The simplest way to do that is to add a record to the Apache config:
Where "/www/kmp/" is the path to the main KMP directory.
mod_rewrite must be activated
URL rewriting module (mod_rewrite) must be enabled in Apache configuration.
Usually it is done by the follow line in the configuration file:
Please note that it mustn't be commented, i.e. it must not have a trailing # character.