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Embed PowerPoint presentation to an article

Author: Edward Hardin Reference Number: AA-00734 Views: 12935 Last Updated: 09/26/2012 12:27 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

There are several ways to integrate Powerpoint files into your KB.

  1. The simplest way is to attach them to articles. End-users will be able to download Powerpoint files.
    KMP makes search index for Powerpoint files, so they will appear in search results along with the articles.

    Pros: easy method, files are searchable, easy to read presentation (since you can use the whole screen for this)
    Cons: to view a presentation you need to download it

  2. Embed with Google Docs tool.
    Just insert the following code to an article source with replacement of the highlighted text with the URL to your Powerpoint file (.ppt or .pptx). You can also customize width, height and borders of the widget. You don't have to sign up for Google Docs, just upload it to your website, and call it from your page.
    <iframe src=" Information Management.ppt&embedded=true" style="width:700px; height:550px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
    Pros: nice viewing widget, embedded directly to a webpage
    Cons: not searchable via KMP search function


  3. You can upload your Powerpoint presentation to an online presentation sharing service, such as Slideshare. Then you can embed them to KMP using the HTML code the service generates.
    Pros: nice viewing widget, embedded directly to a webpage
    Cons: not searchable via KMP search function, the file must be uploaded to the presentation sharing service site
Combinations of different methods

Since methods #1 and #2 have both cons and pros, you can get maximum benefit if you use both methods in conjunction: attach your Powerpoint file to an article, and also embed it using Google Docs widget. In this case you would get searchable document that can be viewed right on the web page.

Successful Information Management.ppt 0.4 Mb Download File