Bulk Operations
Perform group operations on any data stored in your knowledgebase.
Bulk operations provide ability to apply same action to a set of items, such as articles. They save much time when you want to reorganize your knowledge base.
Group operations on articles allow changing of numerous articles options:
- Publication Date and Expiration Date – you can set when given group of articles will be published and become visible at the front-end.
- Featured – this action pins articles to the top of respective categories showing that these are special in some way. These articles are shown with medal icon.
- Add to My Favorites – adds articles to current user favorites list.
- Assign to categories – move group of articles to another location within category structure in several clicks.
- Author – alter the author of articles.
- Creation date – change date of article creation.
- Rating – set article rating.
- Views – change views counter
- Groups – allows bulk change of article access permissions.

Copying group of articles has been never so easy.

Every item in the knowledge base has at least group deletion operation available.

Group actions look can be customized – what do you like more, buttons with images, text links, or combo boxes? Each type is available.

There are also group actions for categories. Due to this feature you can quickly rearrange access permissions for the whole knowledge base.

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