
Any time one of your customers hover his mouse over a term, he sees explanation in a balloon tip.

If your articles contain special terms or abbreviations that need to be explained, Glossary Terms feature will come in handy. You put words and explanations in ‘Terms’ menu and users will see those words with dotted underline, and see explanations while mouse pointer hovers over the word.

Description is shown when you hover the word. Good thing for PHP FAQ Software.

Glossary is also available as a full list of terms with pagination and search by term name and definition.

Glossary for knowledge management systems

Glossary can be configured in a way you want. You can allow search in glossary and enable pagination. Alphabetical navigation can be enabled for quick browsing of terms.

Glossary settings in customer knowledge management system

You can work with the glossary, add, edit, and delete terms right at the front-end.

Edit term from the knowledge base software front-end

A new term can be added from any page. This comes in handy when you’re reading an article and it seems to you that there is an abbreviation that needs to be explained.

Quick add term at the knowledge base software front-end


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