What’s New in Knowledge Base Manager Pro v5.2.2?
(Released on March 9th, 2010)
This planned maintenance update is dedicated to Knowledgebase Manager Pro stability and performance improvements, and resolving of all issues found since the previous release. No new features included.
What’s New in Knowledge Base Manager Pro v5.2.1?
(Released on February 1st, 2010)
- Installation via XML API
- Search in subcategories option
- Permissions to delete statistics and questions
- Permission to publish articles (for simple workflow – approval system)
- Spell check
Installation via XML API
Starting from this version Knowledgebase Manager Pro includes XML based installation API that can be used by web hosting companies, partners or ISPs to perform remote installations. It is based on XML-RPC standard. Samples of shell and PHP installation scripts are included to the package.
Search in subcategories option
Option for search in subcategories has been added to both front-end and back-end advanced search. It is enabled by default.

This option helps to get better expected and more accurate search results when user selects one category only that contains subcategories by-turn and then expects to see results from these subcategories as well.

Permissions to delete statistics and questions
There are several new permissions for user groups that allow deleting statistical information and user questions.

Permission to publish articles (for simple workflow – approval system)
It is now possible to arrange simple workflow scheme by creating two groups in KMP, for example Authors and Editors. Authors create new articles that may need approval by an Editor before being published. Authors don’t have permission to publish articles, but they can add and edit articles.

Editors have permissions to publish articles. They check what Authors have created and decide whether to publish that.

Spell check
There is spell check button on WYSIWYG toolbar now. By clicking on it user gets an advice that his browser probably has spell check function already. Referenced spell checking guide helps to enable or install spell check function in every browser.