Update to Knowledgebase Manager Pro has been release. Version 6.0.3 of the knowledge base software addresses various issues found in the knowledge management system by our customers and quality analytics.
Knowledge Base Manager v6.0.3 Released
We are happy to announce the release of Knowledgebase Manager Pro v6.0.3. This update addresses issues found since the previous release and includes several improvements. We also changed how drag’n'drop works under the hood. Ability to drag’n'drop documents and images to knowledge base articles is provided via HTML5 facilities from now on. This feature is already supported by the most advanced web browsers, such as Firefox and Chrome, and soon other browsers will also catch up.
Packages for a fresh installation and update packages are now available. Customers of the hosted version do not need to take any actions about this – hosted knowledge bases will be updated automatically in 6 business days.
You’re not using Knowledgebase Manager Pro yet? Try it now!
Try Online Demo of Knowledgebase Manager Pro v6.0.3. You can play with any feature whenever you want. All existing demo accounts have been upgraded to the latest version.
If you already own this product, we highly recommend you to update as soon as possible. It is a good idea to keep your software always up to date. Please read the update instructions carefully, first. Do not forget about backups! They help to save your time, data, and nerves!
Customers of the hosted version do not have to do anything about the update. We will take care of updating their knowledge bases as always within next 6 business days.
Don’y be shy, leave a comment below and tell us how you feel about this release. We would really appreciate this!