Knowledge Base Manager v6.2.2 Released
We have issued a minor update of Knowledgebase Manager Pro. It includes just a few though important fixes discovered after the recent release.
Packages for a fresh installation and update packages have been made available. We recommend all customers who are using the on-premise edition of Knowledgebase Manager Pro to update to v6.2.2 at your earliest convenience. Customers of the hosted version do not need to take any actions about this – all hosted knowledge bases will be updated automatically in 7 business days.
No More Limits!
We are also thrilled to announce that we have lifted the limits on disk space and bandwidth for hosted knowledge bases! There are no more limits on how much information you store in your knowledge base hosted by us. Also you shouldn’t worry about your hosted knowledge base traffic anymore.
This is true for all existing hosted knowledge bases as well as for all future subscriptions.
Try it now!
Try Online Demo of Knowledgebase Manager Pro v6.2.2. You can play with it at any moment. All existing demo accounts have been upgraded.
If you already own this product, we highly recommend you to update as soon as possible. Please read the update instructions carefully. Do not forget to make backups before you proceed.