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Author: Eileen Wilde Reference Number: AA-00114 Views: 22441 Last Updated: 11/26/2009 10:48 AM 33 Rating/ 6 Voters

Form Processor Pro 5 is very easy to install, just follow the following steps:

  • Download the latest package from the member area.
  • Unpack the downloaded package using any ZIP archive extraction program (e.g. WinZIP).
  • Upload the complete “fpp” folder from the package to your web server. The main www folder is preferred.
    If you face troubles with functionality, check size of files you uploaded. If size of files on FTP and on local machine are different that means that you need upload script files in different FTP mode (ascii or binary).
  • If you would like to use or test the demo forms you can upload the complete “sample-forms” folder as well. The main www folder is preferred.
  • Set permissions to writable (0777), using UNIX shell command or any FTP client (e.g. CuteFTP) for the folders “tmp”, “attachments” and the config.php file inside the Form Processor Pro (fpp) directory.
  • Run the Initial Configuration Script and follow the instructions in order to perform the initial Form Processor Pro configuration. The Initial Configuration Script is located in the fpp/install folder.
  • For instance If you've uploaded the fpp folder to wwwroot folder of your  server, you can execute Initial configuration Script via URL. Default password to the Initial Configuration Script is "admin". Note that you will change it during the installation.

That's all! Now you can create and configure your existing forms for processing with Form Processor Pro. If you are a newbie to Form Processor Pro please read “Setting-up My First Form”.

To configure your existing form please read "Configuration of My Existing Form", if you have  the form configured with Form Processor Pro v4, you need to use the guide "Upgrading My Existing Form from FPP v4 to FPP v5"

To test your Form Processor Pro's installation simply open the main Form Processor Pro file (index.php) in your browser, like this: If you see the message in the picture below, you've successfully completed installation process and you can move to configuring a form. Otherwise, you'll see error messages. Follow the instructions given by these messages. The most common problem is improper permission settings for the “attachments” and “tmp” directories and the config.php file. These have to be writable (0777).

In order to set the permissions to writable in the UNIX shell command you should run the following command: “chmod 777  <filedir_name>”. <filedir_name> is file or folder in question. For more information about changing permissions, refer to the How can I set needed permissions FAQ article.